Female Preservation

  1. Oocyte cryopreservation

    New research have shown, that by the time a woman reaches its 30, only the 12% of the ovarian reserve is present, and by the age of 40, only 3% of it.

    The quality of the oocytes decreases with age, and as time passes by, it is more difficult to achieve a pregnancy and there are more chances of suffering genetic alterations in the conceived babies.

    Why to preserve?

    1- To postpone motherhood
    2- For oncological reasons, before performing a chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment.
    3- Women with low ovarian reserve.

    Keep in mind that the ideal is to do it before 38 years old.

  2. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation

    This technique continues to be experimental, although there are already children born worldwide.

    Who? It is recommended to oncological patients depending on the type of tumor, age, and treatment to be performed

Male Preservation

One or several semen samples are cryopreserved.


1- For oncological reasons, before performing a chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment.
2- Men who will undergo Testicular or prostatic surgery.
3- Patients with azoospermia, or due to a low sperm count.
4- Men who want to undergo a vasectomy and want to preserve their fertility.
5- Transsexuals.

Reproducción Asistida

Relaciones programadas
Las relaciones sexuales programadas, consisten en sincronizar la ovulación con las relaciones sexuales de la pareja.
Se realiza un monitoreo ecográfico del ciclo menstrual junto al uso de medicación para estimular suavemente los ovarios y descargar la ovulación.

Inseminación intrauterina
Colocación de una muestra de espermatozoides previamente capacitados, en la cavidad uterina a través de una cánula de inseminación.
Se realiza un monitoreo ecográfico del ciclo menstrual junto al uso de medicación para estimular suavemente los ovarios y descargar la ovulación. Este procedimiento se realiza en consultorio, es rápido y luego podes hacer vida normal.

La fecundación in vitro es una técnica de laboratorio que permite fecundar un óvulo con un espermatozoide fuera del útero.
When an in vitro fertilization cycle is performed, the embryo transfer can be carried out during that cycle (fresh) or freeze the embryos to transfer them in a later cycle.
It consists on the donation of oocytes and sperm.
Indicated for patients with low ovarian reserve or ovarian failure.
Patients who had poor response to ovarian stimulation in an IVF cycle.
Patients who did not achieve pregnancy after multiple IVF cycles or women of advanced reproductive age.
The embryo donation arises from patients who have undergone IVF treatments and do not wish to continue with the cryopreservation.
The preimplantation genetic testing allows chromosomal evaluation of the embryos.
The procedure involves the biopsy of one or several cells from an embryo generated in an ICF cycle. Then, the material is analyzed looking for a specific gene or chromosomal pathology.



Surgery, that involves performing an endoscopy of the uterus, in order to visualize the cavity inside and diagnose or treat uterine pathologies. It is an outpatient procedure.


It in indicated in cases of infertility, pelvic pain, endometriosis, tubal pathology (hydrosalpinx), pelvic adhesions, ovarian or uterine pathology.


It is a surgical procedure that allows to remove uterine fibroids to restore fertility and / or reduce excessive bleeding.
It is a procedure that is performed in the operating room, with anesthesia, may require one or two days of hospitalization depending on the underlying pathology and recovery.

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